►Professor, Department of Finance, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, First Campus, Taiwan
Luke Lin is a professor at the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST, Taiwan). He is an expert in econometrics and has a doctoral degree in financial management from the National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU, Taiwan). Regarding academia, Professor Lin's primary research interests are foreign exchange rates and asset pricing. He has published about 17 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, including Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, International Journal of Finance and Economics, World Economy, and Journal of Forecasting. In terms of practice, Professor Lin has done much research on arbitrage strategies and often lectures about them to the people in the industry. In addition, Professor Lin is also very specialized in corporate financial counseling and has become a financial advisor to several companies.
- Ph.D. in Finance, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 2007
- M.B.A. in Finance, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 2001
►Academic Experience
- National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Department of Finance, Professor (2023/08~Present), Associate Professor (2011/8~2023/07), Assistant Professor (2007/08~2011/07)
- National University of Singapore, Institute of Real Estate and Urban Studies, Visiting Scholar (2019/03-2020/02)
►Research Interests
International Money, Arbitrage Strategy, Asset Pricing
- Lin, L., Liu, Y., Peng, C., 2023, “Luxury tax and price changes: Evidence from the Taiwan housing market," Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (SSCI, Economic), 38, 1431-1455. (MOST 108-2918-I-992 -001)
- Lin, L., Lin, W., 2021, “Stock return autocorrelations: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific stock markets," Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI, B+, Finance; ABDC List, B), 50, 441-465.
- Lin, L., Lee, C., Lin, W., 2019, “Stock return autocorrelations: Some further evidence," Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (FLI, B, Finance), 9, 15-33.
- Lin, L., Lin, W., 2017, “Does the major market influence transfer? Alternative effect on Asian stock markets”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (FLI: ATier-2, ABDC: B), 50, 1-32. (MOST 103-2410-H-327-015)
- Lin, L., Lin, W., 2017, “Determinants of foreign exchange risk: Some further evidence,” Journal of Risk (SSCI, B+, Finance; ABDC List, B), 20, 1-25. (NSC 101-2410-H-327-023)
- Lin, L., Lee, C., 2017, “Unmasking the relationships between exchange rate exposure and its determinants: A more complete picture from quantile regressions,” Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policy (FLI, B, Finance; ABDC List, B), 20, 1-28.
- Lin, L., Lee, C., 2016, “Central bank intervention on exchange rate regime and the purchasing power parity,” The World Economy (SSCI, B+, Economic; ABDC List, A), 39, 1256-1274.
- Lan, L., Lin, L., Lin, W., Chuang, S., 2013, “Theoretical and empirical evidence for the impact of cross-border production sharing on exchange rate pass-through,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI; ABDC List, B), 49, 280-300.
- Lin, L., Lin, W., 2013, “Exchange rate reversion under regimes other than free float,” International Journal of Finance and Economics (SSCI, B+, Finance; ABDC List, B), 18, 293-306. (NSC 100-2410-H-327-023)
- Lin, L., Lan, L., Chuang, S., 2013, “An option-based approach to risk arbitrage in emerging markets: Evidence from Taiwan takeover attempts,” Journal of Forecasting (SSCI, B+, Economic; ABDC List, A), 32, 512-521.
- Lin, L., 2010, “Resolving the exposure puzzle: Evidence from Taiwanese corporations,” Journal of Financial Studies (TSSCI), 18, 31-62
- Hsieh, C., Shyu, D., Lin, L., Lee, J., 2009, “The impact of defined contribution rate on labor’s optimal asset allocation,” Sun Yat-Sen Management Review (TSSCI), 17, 883-926
- Lin, L., Kuo, C., Shyu, D., Hsieh, C., 2009, “Diversification, currency manipulation, and exchange exposure,” Journal of Financial Studies (TSSCI), 17, 31-59
- Lin, L., Kuo, C., 2008, “The relation between exchange rate volatility and firm valuation: polynomial distributed lag model,” Journal of Economics and Management (EconLit), 4, 145-162
- Lan, L., Liao, Y., Lin, L., 2007, “Currency risk facing Taiwan’s financial institutions,” Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy (TSSCI), 38, 127-151
- Lin, L., Lan, L., Kuo, C., 2008, “The wealth effects of repurchases between stockholders and bondholders,” Taiwan Academy of Management Journal (published by National Chung Hsing University), 8, 95-120
- Lin, L., Kuo, C., 2007, “Stock recommendations and analyst conflicts of interest: Evidence from the Taiwan stock market,” Web Journal of Chinese Management Review (published by Open University of Hong Kong), 10, 1-24