













【Keynote Speaker專題演講者】

Prof. Wei Xiong (熊偉教授)



【Paper Submission徵稿方式

1. 請先完成報名表單 https://forms.gle/sdVs2GFqC5fuoRWa9 後,將投稿論文寄至2024tfa@nkust.edu.tw,信件及附檔標題都需註明:【2024TFA研討會投稿_(投稿人姓名)】。學術論文投稿格式請依財務金融學刊(Journal of Financial Studies)之格式撰寫。
2. 本次研討會採全文投稿方式,投稿者請將論文全文以PDF/Word 格式存檔寄至大會信箱。
3. 接受之論文,至少一位作者必須註冊並出席本次研討會發表。




1. 年會投稿規定公告:投稿資格須共同作者之一為臺灣財務金融學會當年度(2024年)付費個人或永久會員,不符資格將不進入審查程序。入選發表論文,發表者亦須為當年度2024年個人(含學生)或永久會員。若有加入會員或繳交會費之疑問請寄信至tfinancea@gmail.com
2. 投稿截止日期:
3. 通知入選論文作者:2024年05月01日
4. 開放網路報名日期:2024年05月02日
5. 網路註冊截止日期:2024年5月15日




1. 富邦論文獎: 共10名,每名得主將獲得新臺幣5萬元之補助,參加國際頂尖財務年會(AFA、WFA、EFA)。受獎助人須具目前在臺灣任職或攻讀博士之臺灣財務金融學會會員身分。

2. 財務金融學刊研究論文獎: 共4名,每名新臺幣2萬5千元整。文章經修改後須刊登於財務金融學刊。

3. 宏利投信X安本「ESG-永續投資與發展論文獎」

  ■ 教師及研究人員組: 國內大專院校教師及研究機構之研究人員

    ◆ 特優:1篇,每篇獎學金新台幣陸萬元整。

    ◆ 優等:2篇,每篇獎學金新台幣參萬元整。

  ■ 博士組:具國內大專院校財務相關博士班學籍或是112學年應屆畢業生,並經指導教授推薦者。與教授合著的文章必須是學生為通訊作者並出席報告者,方能歸屬本組參賽。

    ◆ 特優:1篇,每篇獎學金新台幣參萬元整。

    ◆ 優等:2篇,每篇獎學金新台幣兩萬元整。

  ■ 所有獲獎人務必出席頒獎典禮,並在論文獎場次發表分享,未能出席者則取消獲獎資格。

  ■ 投稿時,欲參加本論文競賽者,請特別勾選。



王衍智教授 國立臺灣大學財務金融學系
何柏欣教授 國立中央大學財務金融學系
何耕宇教授 國立臺灣大學財務金融學系
周建新教授 國立高雄科技大學財務管理系
林智勇教授 國立陽明交通大學資訊管理與財務金融學系
林楚雄教授 國立高雄科技大學財務管理系
陳香蘭教授 國立高雄科技大學財務管理系
陳聖賢教授 國立臺灣大學財務金融學系
陳鴻毅教授 國立政治大學財務管理學系
黃嘉威教授 國立政治大學財務管理學系
蘇玄啟副教授 國立高雄科技大學財務管理系



聯繫人 : 蘇玄啟副教授
Tel: 07-6011000 ext: 34016



2024 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association

June 7-8, 2024

National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Call for Papers

The 2024 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association (TFA) will be held on June 7-8, 2024, co-hosted by the Department of Finance, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. Our conference theme this year is “Reflection on FinTech Innovation: Opportunities and Risks”. Papers in all areas of finance are welcome.


【Paper Fields】

This conference calls for papers covering various fields of financial research, such as financial technology and big data, corporate governance, corporate finance, asset pricing, investment and securities analysis, derivatives, financial institutions, financial econometrics, insurance and risk management, real estate finance, financial accounting, financial markets, corporate social responsibility, sustainable finance (ESG), ethics in finance and other financial related issues.

【Keynote Speaker】

Prof. Wei Xiong
John H. Scully '66 Professor in Finance and Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University
Academic Dean of School of Management and Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen


【Paper Submission】

1. Please complete the form  https://forms.gle/sdVs2GFqC5fuoRWa9,  and send the submitted paper to 2024tfa@nkust.edu.tw. The title of the mail and the attached file must be marked: [2024TFA Submission_(name)]. Please follow the format of the Journal of Financial Studies to edit your submission.
2. A copy of a completed or nearly completed paper (PDF/Word format) is needed.
3. For accepted papers, at least one author must be registered and present at the conference.


【Reminders and Important Dates】

1. When submitting a paper for presentation, at least one of the authors needs to be a permanent member or an active member who has paid the annual membership fee. The paper will not be considered if this requirement is not achieved. Upon acceptance, the presenter must to be a permanent or active member. Please contact tfinancea@gmail.com for further questions regarding membership and payment of membership fee.
2. Paper Submissions Due:
Apirl 15, 2024
3. Notification of Acceptance:Before May 01, 2024
4. Opening of Online Registration:May 02, 2024
5. Online Registration Due:May 15, 2024



1. Fubon Best Paper Award: 10
TFA will reimburse the award winner NT$50,000 for attending top international conferences in finance, including AFA, WFA, and EFA. Sponsored authors must be an active member of TFA and hold faculty positions or be Ph.D. students in Taiwan.

2. Best Paper Award of Journal of Financial Studies: 4
The award winner will be recognized with a prize of NT$25,000. The authors will be required to go through the review and revision process for publication in the Journal of Financial Studies.

3. Manulife Investment Bank X Aberdeen ESG-Sustainable Investment and Development Paper Award

  ■ Faculty and Researcher Division: tenure-tracked faculty/researchers from domestic universities and research institutions

    ◆ Outstanding Award: 1 article, NT$60,000 for each article.

    ◆ Excellent Award: 2 articles, NT$30,000 for each article.

  ■ Doctoral group: Those in finance-related doctoral programs at domestic colleges and universities or recent graduates of the 112th academic year and recommended by their supervisors. Articles co-authored with professors must have students as corresponding authors and present the report to be included in this group.

    ◆ Outstanding Award: 1 article, NT$30,000 for each article.

    ◆ Excellent Award: 2 articles, NT$20,000 for each article.

  ■ All award recipients must attend the award ceremony. All award recipients will be invited to present at the [ESG Award] session. The award will be cancelled if not attend and present.

  ■ When submitting, if you want to participate in this paper competition, please check specifically.


【Program Committee (In alphabetical order of Last name)】

Chen, Hong-Yi, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Chen, Hsiang-Lan, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Chen, Sheng-Syan, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Chou, Jian-Hsin, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Ho, Keng-Yu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ho, Po-Hsin, National Central University, Taiwan
Huang, Chia-Wei, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Lin, Chih-Yung, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Lin, Chu-Hsiung, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Su, Xuan-Qi, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Wang, Yan-Zhi, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


【Organizer’s Contact Information】

Department of Finance, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
No.1, University Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Correspondent: Xuan-Qi Su
Tel: 886-7- 6011000 ext 34016
E-mail: 2024tfa@nkust.edu.tw



【Organizers 主辦單位】

【Advisor 指導單位】

【Title Sponsor 協辦命名單位】

【Sponsors 贊助單位】